On Sunday morning we looked for a church service to attend. As we were slow starters our options were narrowed, but Google helpfully found a service within walking distance that was at a time we could make.
Waikiki Baptist Church was warm and welcoming and as the service got underway we realised that nearly everyone in the congregation was a tourist. Only the pastor and the band, plus a few people making coffee and minding the creche, were locals. It turns out that the locals attend an earlier service in the day and they held this later one for visitors in the area - they understand that tourists are not likely to be early risers!
It is never by chance when the message at a service we attend is on point, and the pastor chose for his text Mark 11:27 through to Mark 12:12 with the title “Life’s Interruptions”. He expanded on the text talking about how God sometimes steps into our lives and interrupts the flow (maybe the groove, or the rut) we are in.
Coming in the first week of this wonderful journey of learning and RnR that we are on, this sermon was a timely reminder that the unexpected gift of the travelling fellowship has a hand in it far larger than the generous people who selected us .
We are grateful for this interruption and look forward to what comes from it over the next three months.
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